Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Aidan

Aidan turned 3 years old today, I can't believe he is 3 already! I am not able to be there with him but we will celebrate again once I get home. He is with his Daddy, Nana, Aunt Crystal and cousins. Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy. Mommy loves you so much!

It has also been a week since Jacob's surgery. He is still doing very well. They are weening him off of the oxygen. It keeps falling out of his nose and he doesnt seem to mind at all. His Oxygen levels remain good. This is a very good thing. He is off all IV meds now and gets everything orally. He is just about ready to move to the step down unit. They are also going to start giving him bottles tomorrow so we can work on getting the feeding tube out.

I can hold him whenever I want now which I love! Here are some pictures of me holding him yesterday. It was second time I have ever held him and boy did it feel good.

We also got to meet Kenny yesterday. He is a 21 year old HLHS Survivor. It was so great getting to meet him and his family. He was one of the first to ever have these surgeries and his mother was told there was only a 10% chance of survival. Now it is 93%, we have come a long way. I know how scary it is for me so I can't imagine what she must of felt. I have so much respect for her and what she went through. If it were not for mother's like her, Jacob wouldn't have had this chance. Thank you Kenny for coming to meet Jacob.

As always thank you for all of the prayers and support.

Enjoy the pictures!
Mommy and Jacob

Rockin out

Wide Awake

Checking Mommy Out

Sleepy Jacob

Kenny (21 Year old HLHS Survivor)
Jacob (2 week old HLHS Survivor)


  1. Kathy,
    It is great to hear Jacob is continueing to do well. If you need anything, my wife and I will be at CHOP next Wednesday, April 14. I sent you a message thru facebook with our email address.

  2. "Great new pictures of baby Jacob and Mommy, He is so beautiful and is getting stronger every day...I am so privileged to have been able to be here with you Kathy to experience this incredible journey with you and little Jacob...I love you both so much....<3 Mom

  3. Kath - He is absolutely beautiful! I love you guys so much!

  4. Jacob looks so strong and healthy! So great that you got to meet Kenny. What a great pic you got with him and a wonderful story to tell Jacob someday. See you next week!

  5. I'm so glad Jacob is doing so well!! He is absolutely precious! Lots of prayers for continued strength and being moved to the step-down unit!!

    How cool that you got to meet Kenny! An inspiration for all of us! :)

    Happy Birthday Aidan!!!

    Big heart hugs and prayers,
